
Salonna Rich




Set Up

Your Business 


Appointment Today


The Salonna Rich

Unites Show


Please be Prepared


 This is required before the show


1 Photo of You for the podcast announcement


30 words or less description about you & your business for your announcement on the show.



You'll have a well thought out 5 Minute

speaking presentation

for YOUR Business Announcement.

including 30 seconds of

Wisdom from your Heart.


This podcast has been constructed a panelist of 5 powerful entrepreneurs!!

Each segment is scheduled for 1/2 hr.


If you have any specific questions

that you would like for me to

ask or anything in particular

that you would like for me to highlight.

Please mention it


we start  your business announcement.





•What are some things that

you want to share about

what’s going on in your BUSINESS now?




•Anything outstanding you

can think of that has happened in

your BUSINESS or brought you through? 


•What are you looking forward to in your BUSINESS? 


Any words of wisdom you would like to share. 


We are reaching for the multitudes of

people and Changing the algorithm on

social media by leveraging

each other’s audiences.


The plan is once the episode

has been created.

For everyone on the panel to share

on their social media at

the same day and time.


There’s always strength in numbers.

 The Salonna Rich Unites Show


is on All Major Podcast Apps


Tune In, Comment, Subscribe & Rate

 Having the Broardband to reach 93 Countries Worldwide!!!


Follow Us & Share on the 9 App Social Media Tour


Uniting & encouraging others with purpose, passion & destiny!!


THANK YOU for Sharing Your Business with us!!


United WE Stand Stronger


~Salonna Rich      


If you have any questions

please don’t hesitate to contact me.

[email protected]


Schedule Your Business Announcement Appointment